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Invest in Youth Cy

The idea of the project started as with the aim to focus on the struggles of the youth who were raised in North Cyprus. This is including issues such as Living conditions, education, future concerns and the lack of opportunities.

Experiences of each individual. If possible different nationalities, this meaning not only the Turkish and Greek Cypriots but also the minorities. Learning what they go through living here. How satisfied are people (youth) with their living conditions? How they feel about education in the country. Are they living abroad or planning to move? If yes, Why? What are their most sensitive concerns about this (being raised in NC)? What are the general greatest concerns of the youth or the smallest one? Change is not working on favour in what sort of specific topics and matters that the youth care about…
Minor expectations; to be able to see and understand the perspectives and opinions of the “others”. This will help me be more objective about the issues I care about. Seeing the opposite ideas. Major expectations; figure out a way to produce and collaborate for the sake of our and next generations’ future but most importantly finding a (creative) way to make our voices be heard. Especially to people who don’t have an idea or worse aware but don’t care.

•Were you born here? If no, how old were you, when you came to Cyprus?
•Were you happy to be raised in here? Please give details.
•Do you think the country is safe?
•Were the living circumstances comfortable for you, while you were growing up? How would you compare it with your life right now?
•Do you think N.Cyprushas good health care? How do you feel about the health system? Did it affect you in any personal way?
•Are you satisfied with the education system or/and with the education you got?
•Do you believe that education system needs improvement?
•What is your occupation? / What would you like your profession to be?
•Do you think TRNC/North Cyprus provides you with enough opportunities for your career?
•How difficult it is for you to evolve in your career in N. Cyprus?
•How open-minded you think the locals are?
•Do you believe that you were affected by the fact that TRNC/N. Cyprus is considered as an unrecognized country and also a ceasefire country?
•Would you like to share if you have any perspective on conflict affecting the youth in North Cyprus?
•How do you feel about Cypriot Culture? What do you know about the Cypriot culture?
•Do you believe that youth has a very different culture than what the Cypriot culture actually was? Or do you believe the youth follows the culture and heritages just in a more contemporary, up-to-date way?
•What would you wish experience in terms of culture and heritage inn N.Cyprus


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